Lazer Zine #5


Issue #5 of the Lazer Zine!

In this issue, zinesters traversed the unknown and unequal, sharing stories and artwork inspired by the theme “No Man’s Land”. Features 48 pages of black and white artwork and color cover artwork.


Cover Art - LJ Santello

"Slinky in No Man’s Land pt 1" - Alex Sodari

"Mummified Artist" - Cameron Forsley

"Landscape" - Jonathan Blythe

“The Lost Lands” - Nicole Canovas

"Brief Encounter" - Aaron Gundy

“Drawings” - TJ Gardea

“Untitled” - Pee Pee Hed

“Water Symbols” - Jess Suttner

“Paintings” - Dustin Derego

“Photos” - Fabio Roque

“One Child” - Jinna Kaneko

“Back Alley Bugs” - Aaron Ruiz

“Alpha Female” - Colin Andersen

“The Parking Lot” - Lauren Vana

“No Man’s Land” - Veronica Leon

"Slinky in No Man’s Land pt 2" - Alex Sodari

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